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The Vagodas

The Most Legendary Band to Emerge From

John Jay High School in Dutchess County, NY

About The Vagodas

The Vagodas were formed in 1988 as rock-n-roll supergroup whose sole intention was to play a single gig at the John Jay High School auditorium in Dutchess County, NY.  The school's top musicians were recruited, permissions were obtained, a sound system was rented and local rock station WPDH was brought in to introduce the group. It was the biggest rock event John Jay had seen since the nationally renown group 'Mountain" had played the auditorium in 1974!


The concert was an unmitigated success, bringing together various social groups in a way that no other school event had achieved previously.  The jocks, the heads, the geeks, the preps and the punks all let go of their differences to participate in a rock extravaganza highly inspired by the 1980 movie hit "The Blues Brothers." Based on their auditorium success, the Vagodas went on to play all the remaining major school events until the band members graduated later in the year.


Though they thought their work was done, 35 years later the Vagodas realized that their presence was once again required to bring back the spirit of the late 1980s high school scene to Dutchess County, NY.  They began working on a reunion concert and get together which will be held at the Revel32 in Poughkeepsie, NY on August 26, 2023.

The Vagodas Jan 7 1988 flyer #1
The very first Vagodas rehearsal held at John Jay

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vagodas

The gripping origin story of how the Vagodas came into existence and what pushed them to bring the band out of retirement after 35 years of hibernation.

The Vagodas say "Be like Bob!"

The Vagodas pays tribute to its original 1988 horn section lineup and a very special person named Bob.

Let's Vago-da the Video Vault

The Road to Revolution: John Jay's Journey from Fishkill to Poughkeepsie

Founding Father Jay (and namesake of the Vagodas' High
School) comes back from the dead with animportant message.

The Road to Revolution: The Vagodas Journey from Fishkill to Poughkeepsie

Here we learn about the revolutionary furvor that was instill in the Vagodas when they were young and how they intend to fulfill their destiny in Pougkeepsie.

Joshua Cohen's Vagodas Testimonial

The Vagodas' guitarist explains his experience growing up in Dutchess County, how the Vagodas reunion came to be, and why the August event is so important to so many people.

The Vagodas: Melt With You

A musical tribute to the John Jay High Class of 1988 - filmed during the band's reunion rehearsal in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, NY.

The Vagodas Remember the Pleasant Valley Flood of 1955.

As part of its efforts to spread awareness and pride in Dutchess County identity and history, the Vagodas pay tribute to the 1955 Flood of Pleasant Valley, NY, with their interpretation of "When the Levee Breaks." This video represents some of our finest work!!!

The Vagodas: Do it Again

After 35 years, the Vagodas reunite in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, NY to perform one of their signature songs - The Kinks' Do it Again. The video kicks off with the original introduction from the 1988 Senior Class Dance performance.

The Vagodas See the Future!
A YouTube playlist of the younger AI versions of the Vagodas predicting their future gig in Poughkeepsie.

Student and Faculty Testimonials!
A YouTube playlist of John Jay alumni and teachers speaking on their recollections of high school and why they are coming to the August reunion event.

The John Jay 1988 Winter Dance
A YouTube playlist of the Vagodas' live performance in the cafeteria for the winter dance.

The John Jay 1988 Auditorium Performance
A YouTube playlist of the gig that started it all!

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